It is less a matter of immersiveness in the space but rather, what being in the space can have us understand as something new about the world that we inhabit which brought me to think around this work using VR as a medium. It might be that, only with a 360 headset, can one understand slightly better the scale of such an event. The event that is recounted in the narration of my friend, Chantal. Even then, I still say slightly better as I think that there hasn’t been a device whether dialectical, psychological or digital that is able to translate the effect of these molecules coming together.
With the participation of Chantal Fahmi
Joyce Joumaa is a video artist based between Beirut and Montreal. After growing up in Lebanon, she pursued a BFA in Film Studies at Concordia University in Canada. Her work focuses on microhistories within Lebanon as a way to understand how past structures inform the present moment. Central to her work is an interest towards the political charge inscribed in spaces and the social psychology that unfolds out of this tension. Her work has been shown at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, FOFA Gallery and Dazibao. She is the recipient of the 2021-2022 Emerging Curator Residency Program at the CCA, the Canadian Centre for Architecture.